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We have an interesting dichotomy with casino resorts. We have Las Vegas in its silo. And then we have all of the essentially non-Las Vegas casino resorts, whether it's Atlantic City or Biloxi, or a regional location like an upstate New York casino.
Las Vegas, classically, has been a fly-to destination, whereas all of these others really service the drive-to market within 100 miles of them. So the regional casinos are well suited to that. However, the thing that they all have to be aware of is inactive guests. Obviously, we've been going through this pandemic. Some people who might have been coming every week or every two weeks to your casino might not have been able to, or maybe they didn't feel like it was safe. So you're going to constantly have to be feeling out the waters for can we pull those people back in and make them active again as far as our loyalty program goes? So for those regional casinos just be cognizant of the market that you already serve and just keep retargeting those people.
If you have a dynamic loyalty program powered by a revenue management system such as Duetto then it's going to immediately reward them rather than the kind of classic static promotional offers that some casinos still send out to this day.
For the Las Vegas casinos it's going to be about focusing on what those regional casinos have become so good at: the local market. Las Vegas has been growing that in recent years, but now we know we are not going to get people on airplanes, but maybe we can do retargeting into California? Or retargeting into other parts of Nevada to get people to drive in and gamble a little bit. Las Vegas is going to be less of a destination and casino resorts should focus more on the gamers than they ever have.
This question was answered by:
Daniel Lofton
Director of Hospitality Solutions, Americas
Daniel has served in several roles throughout his time at Duetto over the last four years, with the lion’s share of his time spent in consulting, working in the field with Duetto customers to optimize their revenue strategy. Prior to that, he was a Director of Revenue Management at Landry’s Hospitality where he worked with both their gaming and non-gaming hotels. Over the course of seven years with them, he handled property openings, brand transitions, and expansions.